Thursday, March 27, 2008

Ironic Rule #4, plus insight

If you've had a single problem for a long while, and you're so used to it that it's become a part of life, when that problem suddenly disappears, you try to bring it back, or you try to feel the same kind of tension or feeling you had before. It's wacked. Maybe this is just me, I dunno. But it's as if my feelings are bent on moving backward. You know, if you find that you get depressed for no particular reason at times, examine you share your troubles with other people with the mindset of not actually wanting to be helped? Do you brag (a lighter word could be used) about what you've been through to your friends? Be honest with yourself. Either you'll face your problem sometime, or you'll remain a kid in that area for the rest of your life. Now if you don't do either of these things, but just get depressed and find that you like to often eat lots of sweets and watch mindless movies or listen to emotionally conducive music, maybe you just need more thrills in your life. Make thrills for yourself. Go out into nature. Take a walk in the evening (though caution to city-dwellers). I've heard doing something for someone else helps you not get too focused on yourself..

1 comment:

keri said...

oh man, jeremy, i can totally identify with the first part about problems. when a problem has been a certain way most of my life when it goes away, i feel almost like i WANT the problem back! it's insane. i'm so used to dealing with it, that it feels lonesome and foreign without it. (even if it's a really big problem). scarily enough, the thing i called a "problem" has become instead "comfortable." entirely twisted. but this isn't for EVERY problem that i've had. some i am very happy to say, "Sayonara!" to.
actually, hannah a.m. oliver and i have had many conversations on this before. you should talk to us about it! we're nearly bonafide experts.

the rest of this post is darn good advice and it's challenging to me, because i think, sometimes, i DO that. so thankyou for writing this, it's good stuff!

now, where ARE #'s 1 through 3? that is what i would like to know. you probably have 500 hundred of these, all running around loose in your head...get a butterfly net and catch them for me, will you?
