Saturday, July 28, 2007

This Side of Paradise

Okay, I need to level with you guys. My family has a stack of books in the bathroom, sitting on top of the toilet head. If you don't have books in the bathroom, maybe you should invest in that. At least have a journal where people can write funny things about their privacy. Tonight, as I was sitting in the bathroom (yes, sitting. Come on guys.) I looked back and found a delightful book called This Side of Paradise, F. Scott Fitzgerald, copywrite, 1920. I just opened it and read a few pages, and found these very profound quotes therein:

"'Beware of losing yourself in the personality of another being, man or woman.'" -Thayer Darcy, in a letter to a certain boy named Amory.

And the ending paragraph of the letter I thought was just great--the bold lettering are the parts that I think you could independently write on a sticky-note and put up on your mirror or wall. The italisizedlettering is simply a good combination of words:

"'Amory, I'm very glad we're both alive; this war could easily have been the end of a brilliant family. But in regard to matrimony, you are now at the most dangerous period of your life. You might marry in haste and repent at leisure, but I think you won't. From what you write me about the present calamitous state of your finances, what you want is naturally impossible. However, if I judge you by the means I usually choose, I should say that there will be something of an emotional crisis within the next year.
Do write me. I feel annoyingly out of date on you.
With greatest affection,
Thayer Darcy.'"

"...out of date ON you. " Haha, I love that. Man, I have just got to read more. The world of books is so vast and wonderful, I know it, but I'm just not that much of a natural reader. I want to read, but I don't. It's like how I don't want to sin, but I do.

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